Invite More Visitors

How to Invite More Visitors to Your Networking Group.

Below are some tips to make it 2nd nature to do just that!



People love social engagement. It’s almost like playing games in real life but without only virtual.

Create a post and ask people,

Let’s have some fun!…

Post Job or Business…

do you own your own business or work for someone and don’t forget to include your suburb….

What’s going to happen hopefully is three or more people will bite and reveal something about themselves. This might open a conversation into networking or at least reveal someone who does own a business as act as a possible follow up invitation to your networking group.

In Perth there’s more than 800 specific Facebook groups, many of which you as a member can ask related questions using Facebook poll feature.

Some questions:

What’s the best way to get new clients? (1) Paid Advertising (2) Social Media (3) Referrals (4) Thru Shop front

How Often to you touch base with business referral partners?

What do you need to expand?

What stage of Growth is your business in now? (1) Startup (2) Growth (3) Exiting (4) Stuggling




-1- Connect them to a specific promising member:

example “There’s an accountant and bookkeeper coming to our breakfast – I will introduce you to them!”


-2- If they love an audience – Give them a voice!

Example: “I am happy to invite you to our breakfast business meeting

and you could stand up in front of around 25 business owners and tell them all about this new venture”


-3- Bring up ONE benefit of the meeting in conversation….

Example: “How do you get most of your business?”

“40% this year have been referrals from my business group…”


-4- The Direct cold lead approach

Example: “I know a couple of people looking for an electrician,

you free on Jan 20th for a local business meeting?”


-5- Ask for help/info …..Questions they lead to an invite (stick to one line):

What type of networking do you do?

Is your business referral-based?

What industries recommend you the most?








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